8 Blogging Mistakes That Make You Look Like an Amateur

8 Blogging Mistakes That Make You Look Like an Amateur

What is Blogging?

Let’s first discuss what blogging is actually about. This means that you’ll be writing on a particular topic that gives information, discusses or situations that people might want to know more about. Contrary to news or educational pieces blogs are created by an individual who post information using a conversational format. The writing is accessible and relatable. Personally, it’s one of my favorite things amateur blogging. I’m able to write a blog post which makes me feel as if we’re having a discussion instead of writing content that reads like a college paper.

The 8 Most Common Mistakes That Amateur Blogging of All Levels Make

1. Choosing the Wrong Niche

Blog niches or topics , however you want to call it It’s an integral part of the success of your blog.

To be truthful, when I started the first WordPress blog in the year the year of 2018 on March 15th it was a huge error of choosing the wrong subject.

In the absence of research on the topic and keywords, I did for over nine months. It was then that I realized it’s just time-consuming since I was unable to create good content.

It is the content is what really determines the success of your blog. If you’re a novice blogger, your primary objective should be to produce excellent content to create a loyal readership.

Many friends of mine have made the same mistake I made. This is the most common mistake nearly every blogger who is not an expert makes.

Through years of experience I have discovered that every Amateur blogger must adhere to these four rules before deciding on the right niche for their blog:

  • Pick a Topic You Enjoy
  • Do Deep Research
  • Pick a Smaller Niche
  • Make Sure it’s Profitable

These are the minimum four terms that you must adhere to when choosing a niche for your blog.

The truth is that a lot of amateur blogging are seeking to make money rather than taking pleasure in the blog’s subject.

The success of your blog is contingent on the passion you have for your blog’s topics. If you don’t enjoy the topics, then you have an opportunity to give up.

Choose the appropriate niche for your blog, in which you’re passionate, and that’s crucial.


2. Imitating others “successful” bloggers

I can learn how to build successful blogs from experts who are like Pat Flynn, Brian Dean, Neil Patel, or thousands of other online entrepreneurs.

Do you know why I keep coming over to the blog of Pete McPherson’s blog Do You Really Blog? Because I like his style.

I enjoy his transparency his genuine humor and frequent spelling mistakes. I often listen to his podcast, even when I’m already familiar with the information being shared since I think it’s interesting. (and it’s how I met my boy Alex Felice!)

And this is only Pete.

If he’d tried to simply duplicate the big bloggers on the internet, I would not have any reason to return to him. I could simply leapfrog him to the bigger guys.

Why are you insisting on creating similar products to what’s already available?


3. Writing boring blog posts

This error in as a amateur blogging is an obvious result of inattention.

The times of finishing a thousand-word blog post and filling it with specific keywords are over. It’s time for you to get proficient at telling stories.

If I happen to find you writing another lazy listicle , and then plaster it all over a bunch of spammy Pinterest groups, I’ll have to purchase an additional laptop following all the table flipping I’ll be doing.

4. Too many generic stock images

It is a constant theme of how important images are in making blog posts memorable. Our attention spans shrink every day, and we have to be able to keep our attention quickly in order to stay on the internet for long.

Yet you click an interesting headline that talks about how to Make Use of AI to automate your personal Finances , and are met by a stock image of a stack of cash on a laptop with a cup of espresso.


What are the number of personal finance websites exist? 1,000’s? 10,000’s?

If you’re the owner of one How do you intend to make yourself make yourself stand out?


5. Use Free Blog Name

A good name for your blog and having a professionally-designed blog is crucial.

It doesn’t just inspire you, but also builds trust with your readers. There are many novice bloggers who make a mess of it by using domain names that are free.

As I tried amateur blogging using a domain that was free, (homegym.tk) but after working hard work on it, I couldn’t make an affiliate sale.

If I want to rank my website The results are similar to those of were similar to other top-level domains, such as .com, .net, .org and so on are already rank.

This raises the question: Do you know of any methods to obtain a free domain name? There is a yes answer There are alternative methods. However, these are not suggested, however I’d like to share with you about these methods.

There are numerous platforms offering domains for free, and you can easily obtain domains with extensions such as .tk, .ml, etc.

Basically, they give you the domain name for the first year, and it’s free. However, these kinds of domain names are accompanied by a variety of bizarre conditions that will can cost you more in the future.

In general, they aren’t trusted, they might take away your domain’s name or charge you in a way that’s too high, so it is recommended to stay away of these websites.

Another option to obtain an unpaid domain is through web hosting that provides domains for free such as Bluehost as well as Hostgator. Learn More What is Amateur Blogging?

Do Not Buy a Good Hosting

6. Do Not Buy a Good Hosting

This is another major mistake that the majority of Amateur bloggers make due to the fact that they’re trying to save money or are on a budget. Whatever reason you have for buying such hosting, you’re definitely in trouble.

Since blog hosting (must be read) is a major factor in the success of a blog. The reality is that without the right hosting, your amateur blogging won’t be able to go live in a proper manner.

The reason why a reliable web hosting service is crucial to blog success?

Web hosting that is reliable and efficient will give you speed as well as support and security which are essential for any amateur blogging to succeed.

If you’re contemplating beginning a new blog, choosing a the best web hosting service is likely the most important thing you think about.

In the end, choosing a reliable web host could cause a lot of damage to your blog’s business.

If you’re using low-quality or unprofessional hosting, you stand a the chance of reduce your sales or readers due to loading time.

Additionally, there is a good likelihood of losing website’s data due to the lack of a backup system that is properly designed.

When choosing the best web hosting, you need to consider some aspects.

What are the criteria to consider when choosing an excellent web hosting service?

  1. High Reliability and Uptime
  2. Bandwidth and Storage
  3. Solid Customer Support
  4. Ability to Scale

I would suggest you start your blog by using shared hosting. Shared hosting is a good option for amateur blogging that aren’t professional. There are a lot of top shared hosting services available, with affordable costs.

However, if you’re hosting your website on a low-cost server, it is a sign that you are on a the budget for it.

Do not worry, here’s the best hosting options for bloggers with no experience, such as Bluehost (recommended) or HostGator. They are both excellent hosting services I’ve used to serve a different purpose since the year 2018.

If you are on a small budget, then you can begin your blog with NameCheap like I did when I launched the first WordPress blog using NameCheap.


7. Blog Design Matter

Good blog design always matters. So, for instance, what’s the first thing you see when you go to the blog? Sure, but the first thing you will notice is the appearance as well as the feel blog’s layout.

If the visitors of your site find that your appearance unprofessional, they’ll immediately move away from your website without even reading a one word.

In the end, I discovered that there are a lot of amateur blogging that are out there, but they don’t focus on the design of their blogs. They are planning to make use of free themes to start their blog.

Note that free themes are great but they don’t allow users access to the full features. They will charge you when you wish to access all features.

I don’t recommend themes that are free, it’s more cost-effective to purchase the theme for your blog.

If you’re looking for an outstanding blog design, go with one that is paid for. I would suggest some of my top premium blog themes like, Avada, Genesis, Bridge and Generatepress.

These themes are available to you They are extremely adaptable and simple to customize.

Why Blog Design Matters?

The design of your website is a crucial factor for the overall success of your blog. The design of your blog includes everything from headlines, the images and colors to the design of your blog’s content. All aspects are important.

A great amateur blogging design that it keeps your visitors on your page, which means you can turn them into buyers.

If you do have a intention of earning money through your blog, paid themes can be a great price-to-value.

It’s hard to predict when you’ll sell some digital items on your blog. It can be very beneficial rather than free themes.

Blog Posts Without Keyword Research

8. Blog Posts Without Keyword Research

The majority of amateur bloggers aren’t able to rank well on Google or other major search engine because they aren’t able to conduct the an appropriate keyword research for the blog post.

Researching keywords is one of the most crucial aspect to succeed at blogging. If you’re not conducting proper keyword research, you’re likely that you are doing something wrong and not related to amateur blogging.

So , how do you locate the perfect word for your blogs that aren’t professional?

The best keywords isn’t as difficult as you might think. There are a variety of tools to research keywords that will assist you in finding the most relevant keywords.

Certain tools are free, while others are cost-based. It’s entirely up to the tools you would like to make use of for your blog. To be truthful the paid ones perform better, as I’m using SEMrush and longtailPro for my blog.

The majority of my keyword research I’ve done is using SEMrush. It’s a great tool to determine the most effective keyword that will be suitable for your site. Unfortunately, it is more expensive and hard for bloggers who are just starting out.

Don’t worry I have a good offer for you. If you’re looking to begin by attempting to make use of the free tools immediately, you can use The Hoth. It is among the top free tools to research keywords for beginners.

Professional Tips: I strongly suggest that you concentrate on the Longtail Low competitive keyword.

However, if you are looking to put some money into it however, SemRush could be the best choice for you. I personally utilize it to write every blog post. I guarantee you it’s expensive but it’s worth it.

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